Saturday, 31 May 2014

The 7 Levels of Awareness

There is a difference between WISHING for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing, until they believe they can have it. The state of mind must be BELIEF, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds will not inspire faith, courage and belief.

The key to Napoleon Hill’s quote is right there “hope or wish”, you’ve got to get away from hoping and wishing and you’ve got to believe and until you believe you’re not ready.
How do we believe?
We do it by re-evaluating our situation and as we re-evaluate our situation, our belief about that situation will change.
I was searching and trying to figure out why I changed. I was a City Bus Driver 25 yrs ago and today I’m a business partner with Bob Proctor. I had to find out why it changed. Well I did find out, I found out that I kept re-evaluating myself, I kept studying, I kept studying this type of material and because I kept studying the material, I started to change my thinking about myself and what I was capable of doing. When I first started studying I didn’t believe in me, I had virtually no belief in me at all. As I began studying this everything started to change. I started to look at myself quite differently.
Our evaluation of something is what develops our beliefs. Frequently when we re-evaluate a situation our belief about it will change.
All the great books, all the self help books, they all say you have to believe. but how do we develop beliefs, where do our beliefs come from?
Do you know that most of the beliefs we have, we have inherited?
We didn’t originate them, we just inherited them and we never even questioned them.
So we grow up believing that some people have more potential than others. We grow up believing that some people are luckier than others. We grow up believing that everyone doesn’t get the same opportunity and these ideas are burned into our mind. We grow up believing that if you’re going to earn a lot of money you’ve got to be really smart. We grow up believing if you don’t go to school you’re never going to do well in business.
None of this is true!
Everything that we do is going to be a choice and it’s a choice we make.
Now when you do believe – you’re ready – ready for what? – You’re ready to change things.
Let’s look at the next line in the paragraph – Hill said “Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty”
If you had told me that 30 years ago, there’s absolutely no way I could have believed it, and if you’re reading this and you’re having difficulties really believing it, understand it’s just because you haven’t studied enough. If you study it enough you’re going to start to believe it and if you don’t you won’t, it’s that simple. We’ve really got to study and as we study we start to find out who we are and what we are and our world starts to change, our results will start to change.
Now what we are really talking about here is levels of awareness. And as you raise your level of awareness, your world changes, it literally changes.
Here’s the 7 Levels of Awareness


On an “Animal” level … we re-act
“Mastery” level … we respond
Think, we go from animal to mass consciousness to aspiration to individual consciousness to discipline then experience and mastery. But some people live very much like an animal, a very shallow level of consciousness, they re-act to everything – its fight or flight, you see it going on all the time – people killing each other or perhaps just in arguments.
The people that have mastered it don’t let circumstance control them – they control the circumstance and they respond – now when you respond, you think and you plan. Now play with this for a moment …. You think … and … you plan. That’s how you respond. If you are re-acting to a situation – the situation is controlling you. If you respond, you control the situation.
Now we move from this animalistic consciousness to mass consciousness where we just follow the masses and whatever the masses are doing that’s what we’re doing. But then something happens, there’s a desire inside of us for something greater than what we have already got. We want something beyond where we are at.
Well it’s because as “Individuals”, we want to express our uniqueness and this is where the battle starts. You see your desire for something greater is being pulled by your need to express your uniqueness. But your paradigm – your self-image is pulling you back to the awareness level referred to as Mass. Now this takes real courage to understand this, you’ll often find that this happens between couples. One spouse is growing and the other is not.
The desire for something greater is going to pull you towards the “Individual” level but the paradigm, your current belief system is going to pull you back to “Mass”.
So we have to ask, how do we get over this? It’s a struggle, we’re getting pull this way then that way – how do we get over this? Well, we’ve got to stop the paradigm and we need to understand what’s going on.
We need to say “I’m going that way” … but how?
Well that’s where “Discipline” comes in. You say I’m not going to do that anymore … I’m going this way. When you discipline yourself some wonderful things happen.
Now you see, you’ve got the two sides pulling. One side wants to create; the paradigm wants you to stay where you are. The paradigm will have you moving in the wrong direction. The answer to that is: give yourself a command and follow it! That’s what “Discipline” is. You say to yourself “this is what I’m going to do, I don’t care, I’m not going to let the paradigm hold me back, I’m not going to let the masses control me anymore”
When you act on the idea, you take action and your actions change your results. You’ve learned something; you’ve learned you don’t have to live that way. You build a new idea here “Experience” and when you do and act on it, you change your whole world. Not only will you change your world but you’ll change a lot of people’s world and that’s how you do it.
It’s so basic and so simple but yet so misunderstood. When it is understood, you will move to a level of “Mastery”. You’ll think and plan. This is exactly what I did and it took me from driving a bus to becoming a business partner with a man I have admired for 25 years. I don’t want to leave you with the idea that this is going to be easy but it must be done if you want a life different than where you are today. Take control of you thinking and you’ll take control of the outcomes in your life.

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Dare to Achieve More!

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